Saturday, September 27, 2014

Digital Badge E

Learning how to problem solve with different types of software is a great thing for me to improve on. It's really an important skill to have, and while I know that I do include technology into my daily problems, I don't know how to do that in a classroom situation. I like how the chapter started off with some steps on how to solve problems. I made a flow chart that outlined what that section of chapter seven wrote about. Starting there, with how to solve a problem, is a smart way to begin to think about how to incorporate technology into each part of the problem solving process.

The second thing I enjoyed about this chapter was the emphasis on all of the different software available to us, especially in this time that we live in. I think that people forget and take for granted just how awesome standard software such as Microsoft Office is. For example, not only did I type my blog in Microsoft Word but I also made my flowchart in it. There are so many things that I can do in that one program, and that's only a portion of the whole Microsoft Office package. Every day companies use software to help their days run smoothly. I remember one day I called Men's Wearhouse to make a change to a group rental, and their software was not working and all they could tell me was to call back the next day. Companies can do close to nothing without technology! Applying it to the classroom, every day teachers take attendance and enter grades into software programs, and I believe that I would try to incorporate other ways of using technology daily into my teaching routine. It's there, so why not use it!

There was one thing that really made me realize what a different world we live in compared to thirty years ago was the paragraph about Google Earth. No longer are students crowding around a globe, but now they can sit in their seats and watch as the big blue and green earth spins on the SmartBoard. Google Earth also allows teachers to focus on certain areas of the world without needing multiple paper maps to roll down from the blackboard. Those days are over! It's amazing how things have changed with the development of technology, and how some things will probably never be included in the daily classroom ever again. I think that's why learning about technology and how to naturally include it in our daily lives, both personally and in the classroom, is so very important.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Google Earth is an excellent example demonstrating the change that technology can make in the classroom - and when it is so transformational, it truly can't be ignored! :) It is great to see your high level of interest in learning more about how technology can be used for learning! Keep up with the changes will undoubtedly become even more challenging in the future, but it should be worthwhile.

    Your discussion of the ways Microsoft Office can be used in a variety of ways is important to consider as we review available software. Since most schools have this program (and even those that don't can access similar programs such as Open Office or Google Docs), it would be beneficial for all teachers to know what it can do for tapping into a variety of lessons!
